Monday, October 02, 2006

Freedom's Cost

I ran for, and won the office of president in the Missouri State University College Republicans tonight. Not that that was such a feat as I was unopposed, so I didn't even get to give the campaign speech I wrote for the occasion. So, I have added to it and here it is:

I know some may want to know my credentials, so you can have them, but I don’t feel that is important for running for such a leadership position. The reason is that according to the US Census Bureau, those with a bachelor’s degree are in the top quarter of the population, and those with a graduate degree are in the top 8.5% of the population. This means that each and every one of us here in this meeting, and on this campus is a leader. We are all qualified to lead this group, and it does not matter who the officers are so much as it matters that we have a dynamic group with goals in mind. To this end, it is the ideas of the leader that are important.

As I was listening to Vincent David Jericho on KSGF talking with the so called Peace Network of the Ozarks the other day, I was thinking about the anti war movement. They want peace at all costs, including letting terrorists and fascists win. Generally they are 99% Democrat, and want socialistic, communistic policy to rule America. They claim they are upset that soldiers die, and they equate that to the deaths on 9/11 for emotional impact. They hate America’s soldiers and America’s first responders, but will use them to justify their doctrine. To me, that is about how we live, and how we die. Do we want to live under social and economic Marxism, or do we want to live under freedom? Do we want peace (the absence of war) at all costs? Do we want to die as helpless victims of oppressive regimes and international bullies, or would we rather die fighting evil and doing what is right for our country and humankind? I know that our soldiers feel the way I do.

Now, I am a science student, and I know that many other science students are conservative. Almost all of the professors are liberal as they come, and they use their classrooms as a bully pulpit to indoctrinate as many captive audience members as they can. I once had a psychology class in which the professor, a licensed professional counselor and PhD level psychologist, stated that conservatives are "retarded in their moral development" according to Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development. When I complained, administration was very uninterested in doing anything. I believe that this campus is not as liberal as loudmouth professors make it seem; I have been here for over three years, and I have reason to believe that this is a conservative campus. I, as president of College Republicans, with your help, want to create a climate on campus where conservatives do not have to fear academic retaliation from fascist professors for expressing their views.


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