Friday, July 25, 2008

Technology Rant

Ok, people, this is the year 2008 and it's more than half over. I just
got off the phone with some very pedantic people representing a
business, whom I could barely work with on a business transaction
because they are clinging to old technology like an old sock clings to
the lint filter in a dryer.

I'm talking about fax machines and land line phones, here. It seems
that companies just can't kick the fossils and get with the digital
age. Sure, fax machines were great when they first came out, but they
are 20th Century technology and they are more than obsolete already. I don't own one, and I never will. It would be a waste of money,
especially since I don't have a land line phone, which, by the way, is
19th century technology. I mean, these things are Fred Flintstone

What's sad is, these companies have computers and email, and can
download things like the FREE Acrobat reader in order to exchange and view PDF files, but they just refuse to because they can't get with the modern times. They could still hang on to their beloved and cherished glorified doorstops and paperweights, and yet use modern technology at the same time, but for some unknown reason they refuse.

I wonder how many Japanese companies are this far behind the times?

Yabba Dabba doooooo!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Some more facts about the energy crisis.

There is a Kool Aid drinking liberal moon bat who posts after every negative article about energy prices in the Tulsa World news paper's online edition "Don't blame me, I voted Democratic."

This guy is clueless at best, and dangerous at worst, but he is a symptom of the problem. Using the formula in my previous post, the Dumbocrats have convinced an awful lot of people that the Democrats are the solution to the energy problem, and that the Republicans are the cause.

Fortunately, this crude oil price surge is a bubble that is going to break eventually. Unfortunately if that mindless rube Obama gets elected before this happens, he and the Dumbocrats will take full credit for it, and the Kool Aid drinkers will help convince a lot of uneducated and undereducated people that it is true.

Here is the problem with that line of thinking, though:

The big plan that Nancy "Stretch" Pelosi and the Dumbocrats wouldn't define, but assured the nation would bring gas prices down if they got elected has brought the gas prices from $1.60 / gal to $4.00 / gal in just under a year and a half. We can't take any more of their plan, their destruction of the Constitution, or their support for state sponsors of terror.

A few weeks ago, the House Appropriations Committee had a vote on energy independence for the United States, which would drastically reduce the price of oil and reduce support of state sponsors of terror. Here is how the vote went:

Those voting AGAINST energy independence, and FOR terrorism:

Norman D. Dicks (WA) Democrat
James P. Moran (VA) Democrat
Maurice D. Hinchey (NY) Democrat
John W. Olver (MA) Democrat
Alan B. Mollohan (WV) Democrat
Tom Udall (NM) Democrat
Ben Chandler (KY) Democrat
Ed Pastor (AZ) Democrat
Dave Obey (WI) Democrat

Those voting FOR energy independence and AGAINST terrorism:

Todd Tiahrt (KS) Republican
John E. Peterson (PA) Republican
Jo Ann Emerson (MO) Republican
Virgil H. Goode, Jr. (VA) Republican
Ken Calvert (CA) Republican
Jerry Lewis (CA) Republican

Unfortunately, the Dumbocrats, in their usual anti American way, voted along party lines to keep us dependent on state sponsors of terror for our energy needs.

Kool Aid drinkers put the Dumbocrats in power so that their vote can keep America down.

Don't blame me, I voted Republican.

Remember that on November 4.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Rant on Liberal Energy Conservation BS.

Ok, so I am sick of smarmy liberals who point their fingers at everyone else and declare that we can actually conserve our way out of the energy mess that THEY caused.

The liberals have a very basic, and simply brilliant strategy:

1. Dumb down education.
2. Screw up the country.
3. Blame Republicans.
4. Goebbels lie, Goebbels lie, Goebbels lie.
5. Manipulate the media.
6. Ignorant boobs vote them into power for their "solutions" that never pan out, like Nancy "Stretch" Pelosi's solution to gas prices that took them from $1.60 / gal to $4.00 / gal in just under a year and a half.

On that note, one uneducated liberal media boob writing for the Tulsa World here had the following to say:

"And here's what I don't get about conservatives: Despite their name,
they typically haven't been willing to really conserve, in terms of
higher fuel efficiency standards for automobiles and technologies that can limit consumption at home. Anyone who talks about lowering
thermostats and wearing sweaters in the winter, as Jimmy Carter once did, is derided as a fatalist and a weakling."

Here is my response to this very ignorant statement:

Not a fatalist or weakling, just a moron. Conserving is not a viable
option. There are areas to conserve, but it's not the individual who
needs to do so. I have seen window air conditioners marketed at Sam's Club in which several display models were sitting on a shelf running full blast. In physics, this is known as a futile system, because at best, the heat output will cancel out the cold output. In the real world application, the heat output exceeds the cold output, so an air conditioner sitting on a shelf like this is actually warming the room in the middle of the summer, which means that the building's air conditioners have to work harder. What about all of those open freezers and coolers at Sam's, Wal Mart, and other grocery stores? All of his ends up in gigaWatts of wasted energy. I don't see any outcry over this, just people whining about what car someone else owns. Liberals, who normally love to impugn "big evil corporations" won't touch this. The reason? Liberals want to control the lives of individuals. They only whine about corporations when they want to tax individuals through the myth of corporate taxes.

And here is a little more on the subject:

In the 1970s, the Democrats controlled the presidency and the congress from the Ford administration on. I know Ford called himself a Republican, but it was in name only. Together, Carter and the Democratic congress created an energy crisis AND an economic crisis. The economic crisis was so unprecedented, it had not only never happened before in history (think about that, nearly 6000 years of human civilization and this never happened until the Carter administration), it was a complete surprise to economists that it was even possible! This economic crisis was called stagflation. That is because normally inflation occurs during a rapidly growing economy, but instead, we had a horrible recession and yet inflation was out of control. Before that time, inflation was only known to occur during a rapidly growing economy, but now we have to say "normally."

The only thing that got us out of the economic hardship the Democrats caused was drastic spending cuts and tax cuts. The only thing that got us out of the energy crisis was not Carter's condescending recommendations to turn our heaters down and suffer, but increased supply.

Do we really want the Dumbocrats' tried and failed methods now? Failure to learn from history dooms one to repeat it.