Thanks for the (Pocket) Change, Obama
Now his latest version of "change" is his idea to solve our energy crisis. Here's the shocker: He wants more government regulation and taxes. Wow, didn't see that one coming. Change is amazing. He is different than the usual Washington insider. </sarcasm>
So, the conservative response is that this is socialism. The left wing liberal response is "No it's not (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)."
Let's look at why this is socialism: Obama's plan, chanting the tired old liberal mantra of so called renewable energy sources (never mind the fact that no energy source is really renewable, and that oil is every bit as renewable as wind), declared that he is going to tax the oil companies to pay for development of new technologies. "Yeah, stick it to the evil oil companies," the common person to the left wing nut would say. They are tired of the price manipulation, etc that, admittedly, are very real, but not the problem right now. Of course, what Obama is talking about isn't rebalancing of the supply / demand equation, he is talking merely about replacing our existing energy sources. That is the Democrat plan for our energy crisis: get our energy from a totally different source, but don't increase supply, even though demand is naturally increasing because our population is increasing, as well as our utilization of energy consuming technology.
Now, why is it wrong to tax the oil companies to pay for this? You might wonder. You must realize that corporate taxes are a myth. They aren't just a myth, they are one of the biggest myths ever imagined by man. Corporations don't pay taxes, we do. It's just part of the overhead to them. They will mark up their stuff to make a profit over the overhead. What that means to the consumer, you and me, is that we pay this overhead AND the profit. "Well, those greedy oil companies shouldn't be trying to make a profit," a left wing nut might declare. That's hypocritical, because that left wing nut is saying so because he is worried about his OWN profit. The oil companies aren't making a profit, the stock holders are. The stock holders are, largely, Americans. Average, middle class, run of the mill, working Americans like you and me. "I don't own any stocks," you might say. Do you have a 401(k)? A 403(b)? An IRA? Money market? Mutual fund? Then guess what: you own stock. What's more is, you probably are one of those rich oil tycoons. And the profit from that stock ownership is taxed, not once, but twice before it goes into your retirement account. You see, businesses don't have a money tree growing at their corporate headquarters that they secretly get money from to pay for increased taxes. They get those taxes from me and you. The company is just a glorified tax collector for the government. Of course Demokooks never let these facts get in the way of their ideology. "I disagree," they will say in response to this, as though disagreeing with a fact ever changed it. I disagree with gravity, but if I jump off of a building, I fall every time, no matter how vehemently I disagree.
Now, how can Obama stop these rich, greedy, evil oil companies from making us pay for Obama's tax increases? Well, when he convinces Congress to pass this tax, he would also have to convince Congress to make part of the bill limit the profit the oil companies could make. This, of course, would cause the oil company's stock to crash. Who wants a stock that doesn't perform? The oil companies would all fail, and would have to be bailed out by the government, effectively making the petroleum industry state run. Of course, this would have a huge negative effect on the international market, since the US Congress has no jurisdiction over the world commodities market, and thus cannot micromanage it. Oil prices would become more volatile than ever. The nationalized oil industry would, of course, have to raise its prices to pay for petroleum. Petroleum products (remember, gasoline isn't the only petroleum product, there's also plastics, motor oil, jet fuel, home electricity, etc) would essentially be another tax we pay, so our taxes would go up again. The government would find it necessary to limit the petroleum products you use, to ration it and make sure no one uses more than their fair share. Sound familiar? Socialism and communism share this same philosophy.
Osama bin Obama's plan isn't just to tax oil companies; his plan is to socialize the American petroleum industry. His plan is to increase the size and scope of government, and to increase taxes on you and me, not just the "wealthiest 2%."
The only change that Obama plans to leave us with is what little pocket change we'll have left after his plans go into action.
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