Liberal Environmental Truth Twisting
"So called 'global warming' is just a secret ploy by wacko tree-huggers to make America energy independent, clean our air and water, improve the fuel efficiency of our vehicles, kick-start 21st century industries, and make our cities safer and more livable. Don't let them get away with it!"
I thought I would debunk it:
The only policies put forth so far by these environmental extremists have made us MORE dependent on foreign oil, and have dramatically raise prices of that same oil. The same policies caused an energy crisis back in the 1970s which led to the only known occurrence in ALL OF HISTORY of stagflation, which is an economic downturn coupled with high inflation.
There is nothing to global warming hypotheses that is about cleaning air and water. Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. It is a naturally occurring substance. In fact, entropy favors all carbon based compounds to eventually decay into carbon dioxide.
21st century industries don't need kick started. They are already here, but have been stifled by what has happened to the energy supply and the economy, mostly due to the Chicken Littles who believe in the global warming myth.
Cities have poor safety and liveability because of criminals, most of whom are Obama voters. I live in the city, and am surrounded by Obama voters. They cheat, steal, vandalize, and NO ONE pollutes like them.
Global warming is really about defeating capitalism, which is what enables freedom, and imposing socialism, which is the antithesis to freedom. Tree huggers are all about controlling your life, because they think you are not smart enough to do it yourself.